The members of my community are the homeless youth of San Francisco. We get along very well because we all come from a similar background. As youth we have and show more respect to each other and the world around us because we are humbled. Some might call us old souls because we don't act like most young people. What makes us who we are and united is what we have been through and our common goal to simply improve our way of living. We don't choose our members, society does. We are all the wasted potential rejected by materialistic, selfish, and even stubborn communities. We, for years, have heard every excuse from many employers why they wont hire us. We learned that bending the rules of our surrounding communities is the only way not to die. We exist without skin color or religious bias. Politics is useless to us. We are survivalists and our level of perseverance is our advantage. Our disadvantages is being subject to an opportunity divide. A great success within this community is being able to help our fellow man. We encounter every day new homeless people. People ranging between the ages 18-25 who have never spent a night on the street. If they are lucky they meet me and my community. We show them the ropes and how to get out of this difficult position and they show the next man. As easy as that sounds we have many problems with this system and the new people. The new people need time to adjust and dealing with this transition can cause problems and sometimes we get new people who just use us and leave never to be seen again. I hate being homeless but I love the amount of truth I am exposed to everyday. If it is a lifestyle you can handle and get out of you will see that it is in fact a blessing in disguise.
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